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Product variant is also product (odoo 14)

We've a product that has another product as a part of it. How can we code the lookup to this other part?

e.g. consider we sell bikes. the bike can be sold with either a hard sadle or a soft sadle (actually it is a long list of different sadles). Both the hard sadle and soft sadle are also products we sell as individual products (for people who another sadle on the bike they already have).

When I compose an order of a bike i'm selling I want to lookup the sadle that will be on the bike and it should not be a seperate product (as if the customer is buying a bike and a sadle).

In my understanding this is different from a variant because color as variant (red and blue) are not products themselves.

In such case you can create two separate products "Bike" and "Sadle" where Sadle will have variants like Hard and Soft.

Then you have to enable the option for Product Configurator from Settings. For that you have to go to     Sales -> Configuration -> Settings   and tick the checkbox for Product Configurator.

Then in the product form of "Bike" and in the Sales Tab there will be a field to add the Optional Product. Here you have to add Sadle as an Optional Product.

So that when ever you create a sales order for Bike there will be a pop up asking to select the Optional Product & the variant. From here you can add the suitable sadle by clicking on "Add to Cart" and it will be added to the sales order.
By this way you can sell both the products individually also.

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